
Odilon Redon, Fleur des marais

Private collection

Date: 1885
Technique: Charcoal, 42.5 x 35.6 cm



I am I said...

That's exactly what I was looking for!
Great thanks :)

I am I said...

BTW (since I cannot directly send you an e-mail), please take a closer look on two artist, that didn't yet shown up on your blog. Of course, if you'd find them interesting :)
First one is Bronislaw Linke - kind of post-war apocalyptic artist. The example is shown here: http://bez-grzebienia.bloog.pl/id,2390471,title,Bronislaw-Linke-Kamienie-krzycza,index.html ("Stones shouting"), or http://dom_zycia.w.interia.pl/life-against-death/img/linke-autobus.jpg ("bus") or here http://mechanofaktura.blogspot.com/2008/12/cykl-lsk-bronisawa-linkego.html ("Silesia-cycle" - Silesia is coal-mines/miners region in Poland).

The other artist is Edmund Monsiel - in fact, he was not an artist, but secretly did drawings - mostly portraying scarry faces with a moustache - more info is here: http://www.outsiderart.co.uk/monsiel.html

(Please feel free to not publish or delete this comment if you'd find it inappropriate).