

Richard Teschner, Decay

Richard Teschner, Decay engraving
Date: 1915
Technique: Aquatint etching, 42 x 35 cm; plate: 32.5 x 24 cm


Fritz Schwimbeck, Dracula

Fritz Schwimbeck, Dracula drawing
Date: 1917
Technique: Pen and ink

Fritz Schwimbeck, Dracula

Fritz Schwimbeck, Dracula drawing
Date: 1917
Technique: Pen and ink, 16 x 12 cm

Fritz Schwimbeck, Macbeth: Mord

Fritz Schwimbeck Macbeth Mord painting
Museum im Wittelsbacher Schloß Friedberg

Date: 1920
Technique: Unknown


Hablot Knight Browne, The Chamber of Mystery

Hablot Knight Browne, The Chamber of Mystery illustration
Illustration for "Auriol; or, The elixir of life" by William Harrison Ainsworth

Robert Swain Gifford, The House of Usher

Robert Swain Gifford The House of Usher engraving

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia

Date: Unknown
Technique: Etching (in brown ink) and plate tone on off-white laid paper, 10 x 14.9 cm 

Tyra Kleen, The Reaper

Tyra Kleen, The Reaper painting

Thiel Gallery, Stockholm

Date: 1909
Technique: Oil on canvas 


Tyra Kleen, Never More

Tyra Kleen Nevermore Raven by Edgar Allan Poe illustration
Illustration for "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe.
Taken from "Black and White: A Weekly Illustrated Record and Review", London; 1906.



Wilfred Jenkins, Figures on a bridge by moonlight

Wilfred Jenkins Figures on a bridge by moonlight painting
Date: Unknown
Technique: Oil on canvas, 43.8 x 33.8 cm

Pierre-Félix Wiesener, The Ride of a Warrior Ghost

Pierre-Félix Wiesener, The Ride of a Warrior Ghost painting
Minneapolis Institute of Art

Date: c. 1850
Technique: Black ink and chalk and estompe heightened with white on blue-green wove paper, 51.9 x 72.7 cm


Franz Sedlacek, Ghost with Signpost

Franz Sedlacek, Ghost with Signpost

Date: 1933 

Frederick Simpson Coburn, Plague Arriving

Frederick Simpson Coburn illustration for The Victim from The Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson
Date: 1904
Technique: Conté crayon, charcoal, watercolour, graphite, grattage, ink, 46.5 x 34.7 cm

Design for "The Victim" from The Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson

Paul Hardy, It was a darkness shaping itself forth

Paul Hardy Illustration for The Haunted and the Haunters by Edward Bulwer Lytton
Illustration for "The Haunted and the Haunters, or, The House and the Brain" by Edward Bulwer Lytton; Blackwell’s Magazine, 1859
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