Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington
Date: c. 1815-1820
Technique: Oil on canvas, 700 x 900 mm
Mab is the chief fairy in folklore and literature. Fuseli's source for this subject was John Milton's poem L'Allegro (around 1630). The painter claimed that he was attempting to express 'female Nature'. Fuseli emphasises the themes of sensual indulgence and sexuality, with a fairy slumped into a bowl of junket (sweetened cream) and another little spirit holding a spoon and bowl, symbolising male and female genitals.
With stories told of many a feat,
How Faery Mab the junkets eat,
She was pincht, and pull’d she sed,
And by the Friars Lanthorn led
Tells how the drudging Goblin swet,
To ern his Cream-bowle duly set
John Milton,How Faery Mab the junkets eat,
She was pincht, and pull’d she sed,
And by the Friars Lanthorn led
Tells how the drudging Goblin swet,
To ern his Cream-bowle duly set
L’Allegro (around 1630), ll.102-7
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